Rankings Management
Updated 6 months ago
Setting ranking metrics
To simplify the tournament ranking process, Tabletop Herald offers a range of ranking steps.
On the tournament screen, navigate to the 'RANKINGS' tab.
Click on 'SETTINGS' to access the Ranking Settings menu.
In the Ranking Settings menu, locate and click 'Setup Ranking'.
The ranking steps available are as follows:
Battle Points: Total of submitted Battle Points.
Win Path: Win Path of a player in a tournament, early losses are more impactful than later losses.
Record (Count of Wins, Draws, Losses): Amount of wins, ties, and losses of a player independent of the round in which they occurred.
Matrix Points: Total of achieved Matrix Points. Only has an effect when a matrix is selected in the scoring settings.
Points with win-bonus: Points according to the scoring settings added by a bonus for wins.
Strength of Schedule (Opponent Wins): Strength of players' opponents measured by total wins.
Strength of Schedule (Opponent Win-rate): Strength of players' opponents measured by win rate.
Organizers can customize the ranking system to their tournament's specific demands using these diverse steps. This helps maintain fairness and encourages a competitive yet healthy environment for players.
Assigning Trophies
If you wish to assign trophies to players, navigate to the Ranking Settings menu and select 'Assign Trophies'. Then, choose the recipient from the dropdown menus provided.
There are two trophies available for assignment:
Best Painted (1. -3. Place): Award players whose game pieces, such as miniatures or tokens, are deemed the most artistically and skillfully painted. This trophies recognizes exceptional creativity and attention to detail in the visual aspect of the game.
Best Sportsmanship: camaraderie throughout the tournament. This trophy honours not just competitive skills but also the attitude and behaviour that enhance the gaming experience for everyone.
These trophies are designed to acknowledge and celebrate various aspects of player participation and contribution to the tournament.