5 / 32
Bestätigte Spieler:
5 / 32
Eingecheckte Spieler:
0 / 32
7. April 2025 - 18. Mai 2025
Zum Kalender hinzufügen
0 €
Tourney from the ITGCB Server
A solo tournament played in a Swiss format consisting of 4 rounds. One round is played every week (with possible extension). The contestants accumulate Tournament points during their games, 2 for a Victory, 1 for a draw and 0 for a defeat. The Contestant who accumulated the most Tournament Points at the end of the 4 weeks is declared the winner.
Swiss round
The first round’s pairing is determined randomly. The pairings for the next games are determined by the position in the ranking (Tournament Points > Victory Points make up the ranking). For Instance Bob won his first game by scoring 15 points, he sits at rank 1. In the second round, he will be paired against Steven, who won his game and scored 14 points and who sits at rank 2.
No player will be paired to the same opponent twice. In these cases, the top ranking will be paired against the next available opponent.
Catch-up round:
If both players agree, one game can be postponed to the catch up round. That game will stand for the round in which it was supposed to happen. The pairings for the following round will be determined on the current players’ position even though no points were scored in the previous round.
Game organisation:
Players organize their own games between themselves.
It can be at home, at a preferred location, at an LGS or even on TTS or other online platform.
If the opponents did not manage to find a suitable time for playing, they will reach out to TO with an account of the situation. If both parties have offered reasonable efforts to organize their games, and did not agree on playing during the catch up round, a draw will be awarded to both parties. If one party has made significantly more effort than their opponent, a Minor victory will be awarded to the former. No VP will be awarded in any case.
TO reserves the possibility to extend the timeline and/or the tournament to preserve the game.
- 25.03.25 : tournament is announced, subscriptions are opened
- 07.04.25: subscriptions are closed, lists are collected and locked, pairings are announced
- Round 1 Starts 07-04-2025 and ends 13-04-2025
- Round 2 Starts 14-04-2025 and ends 20-04-2025
- Catch-up 1 Starts 21-04-2025 and ends 27-04-2025
- Round 3 Starts 28-04-2025 and ends 04-05-2025
- Round 4 Starts 05-05-2025 and ends 11-05-2025
- “Catch-up 2” 12-05-2025 to 18-05-2025
- must be sent Sundays before 18.59 PM CET
- Send in screenshot of the scoring table in the discord
- Send picture tax!
- Painting Score: Both players evaluate their armies with a score between 0-5 and add those points on top of their battle score.
Play Rules:
- Games are played under Games Workshop rules with the latest updates
- Matched Play - Pitched Battle Rules are in Effect, as per the General Handbook 2024/25
- Latest FAQs are in effect
Terrain Rules:
- It is the host’s responsibility to set terrain in a fair and balanced way
- Table size 60”x44”
- A minimum of 8 pieces of terrain is recommended
We just want to have fun and organize a cool event. However, there are some behaviors we want to avoid so that's why we are putting in place some light penalties in order to avoid them.
- yellow card: yellow cards can be given out by TO in case of problems reported by either opponents. A yellow card takes away 1 TP.
- Two yellow cards in the same event will result in a red card, automatic exclusion from the tournament, and not being able to take part in the next event for this system
- A no-show at an agreed upon game will result in a yellow card unless there are exceptional circumstances (ie death in the family, accident, injury, early labour, etc)
- Pulling out of the tournament mid event is a yellow card offence unless there are exceptional circumstances.
- Unsportsmanlike behaviors can be cause for yellow, red cards or Discord actions (warning, mute, kick, …) depending on the severity (let's hope it never comes to it we are all adults here :) )
TO will reserve the right to issue or not issue penalties on a case by case basis
List building
- 2000 points
- Latest point values as of the 05.04.2025
- Ideally GW App
Round 1: The Better Part of Valour
Round 2: Battle for the Pass
Round 3: Focal Points
Round 4: Limited Resources